Does Discomfort Bring Success?

 Many of the people believe that they can achieve while they are in their comfort zone all the time. Feeling safe or feeling at ease when you are trying to succeed is not the path that you should be walking on. If anything was that easy, then half of the world was millionaires by now. That’s why I believe success comes with discomfort. 


Assume that you are planning on starting to do sports every day. This is not a part of your daily life routine at the beginning. You force yourself to bring this habit into your life. Your goal is to achieve going to the gym everyday, and seeing the results of showing up everyday. Comfort zone is a kind of trap in terms of success in most of the cases. When you start to think that there will be no harm in not going to the gym for a day and sit in your comfy bed all day, there, your comfort zone obstructs you from achieving your goals. You may think that what is the harm of skipping the routine for a day. If your comfort zone can beat you for even one day, it can beat you for the rest of your life and hold you apart from your goals. 


Comfort zone makes you feel happy in the first place, however, without you realizing, it will become an enemy. Until you find out that the comfort zone is the harmful part of the story, you will never know if it is actually  the thing that makes you feel good. For example, at the beginning, not going to the gym for a couple of days will be seen as no harm, however, in the long run when you cannot see the results of your work, the happiness caused by staying in your comfort zone will be gone immediately. Also, it is going to take way more time than it takes to achieve unless you embrace discomfort. 


Furthermore, if we look at all the examples ahead of us, we can easily see that none of the successful people have succeeded by not creating discomfort for themselves. When these people talk about their life, they say that the turning point is always the time when they start to get out of their comfort zones.  They usually emphasize the importance of forcing oneself. There is no point of not caring about what they say when most of us want to be successful like them. 


To sum up, we all skip some points in our routines. Moreover, we all believe that this could be the suitable way of achieving stuff. The bad news is that it is never the easy way that brings success to us in life. Success comes with some hard work, including discomfort.

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