Does Chocolate Bring Happiness?

Scientists have been doing researches to find the formula of happiness. There are different views about it. Some people argue that some food may make people happy such as chocolate which releases happiness hormone. It is a proven fact that it makes people happy. However, there are other arguments. They believe that people can be happier by some other ways because eating too much chocolate may cause obesity and it makes people unhappy in the long run. Advertisements persuade young people to eat more chocolate. Although it makes people happy, chocolate has other things in it such as fat, calories and additives which may cause cancer.

There are so many other things that can make people happy. For instance, doing exercise, having good friends, playing games can also make people healthy and happy. If children acquire positive habbits, they can learn to be happy even in their childhood. Playing a musical instrument, doing sport in a team, reading classical books, visiting historical places, swimming, watching movies or series and spending time with parents and friends can make them happy.

Scientists also find that helping the people who need help is a very good way to be happy. Visiting the children who have no parents, playing instrument to the old people or reading books to the blind people can make people happy. Happiness changes from person to person but again there is a wrong information. Many people believe that money brings happiness although it is not. There are so many rich people who are unhappy although they have lots of money.

In conclusion, if you are healthy, have a good family with good relationship, have good friends or perhaps a lovely pet that you share lots of things, you are happy. Trying to be happy by eating chocolate does not have a long-term effect.  You can feel happy when you eat chocolate but then when you gain weight, you start to feel sorry and unhappy therefore for a long-term happiness, people should give importance to their environment and protect their health. Without health, nothing is important. A good family with good friends, a healthy life is the most valuable source of happiness.

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