Do We Really Need to Leave Earth for Continuity of Mankind?

In these days, scientists and professors have a goal for future in mind: Finding resources for humans to live after an evacuation happens. So, is it necessary for the continuity of mankind?

No, I don’t think it is because even sending a kilogram of matter to space costs nearly 5 thousand dollars. It may sound a bit low but with the other materials like equipment, suits, food, spare parts and fuel and the overall mass of the person adds up to 20-50 million dollars. Theoretically and economically, we can send just 2.5 million people to space which is 1/3200 of the population of Earth and I’m not even including the cost of spaceship.

However, these numbers can change in time because of the constant development of technology but I think it’s better to play it safe and try fixing it instead of avoiding and trying to escape from it. It is also easier to develop solutions for fixing the environment, we just don’t give it attention and importance. Other than that, there are already so many solutions both existing and as a concept. The only hard thing is convincing people to believe that there are problems with our environment, but I think even the most obstinate person will eventually notice its effects.

In conclusion, we need to fix our problems instead of escaping from them. Fixing the problem is way more long-lasting and has more effects on a wider area compared to the choice of avoiding it.






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