Difference Is The Key For Being Human

Nowadays one of the most argued issues in the world is gender classification in occupations. As men do most of the available jobs in the world, many people are defending the idea that women have been discriminated against in work environments and opportunities. On the other hand, there is a slight number of people defending the idea that this kind of classification is not bad in contrast it is the best for both sides.

First of all, it is certain that there are classifications for different occupations. Some of those classifications are good for the work environment and efficiency.  For example, at factories, they classify employees by their skills and what they are capable of doing like the packaging department and sales department. So, we cannot say that all kinds of classification in jobs are bad and the common point of good kind of classification is making work easier and more efficient. So, if gender classification in the work environment makes work efficient and easier then it is good. As it is obvious that men and women are not the same not just in the biological view but also in their way of thinking and applying their thoughts. The help of scientific research proving the difference shows we should classify genders at work would be good on behalf of both sides.

However, it is terrible to judge someone just because of their gender positively or negatively. Because of the difference in genders, it is ridiculous to say both of them are the same. In contrast, we are different from each other and that is what makes us special. It can be shown with lots of examples. Justice is just one of them being fair and equal are very different that’s why to be fair we should not be treated equally. It is not about the good or bad conditions on one side, it is about the capabilities and the incapabilities of each side.

To sum up it is needed to have gender classifications at work because it makes the work better. However, using these classifications for making one side superior to the other or use it to insult the other is completely wrong. In addition, different genders do not have the same capabilities so it is ridiculous to think they are the same and should be treated the same.

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