Did We Born This Way?

To this time of the world from the beginning, genius, intelligent people come and gone. They had changed our lives too much with their inventions and discovery. For example invention of the cell phone, it is in the middle of our lives right now. Have you ever interrogated that these people who are genius or intelligent are born with these qualities or they get the ability after they grow up through environmental effects?


Some researches about this question say that it is in our genes and others say that we learn and get these qualities in our daily lives. I think that smartness can be passed from generation to generation and also can get in our daily life. Because if physical qualities can be passed from father or mother to child, characteristics can be passed too. And also there are proofs for what I said, for example, serious diseases mostly go on for generations even if it is only psychological because every relative has at least one common DNA structure.

And also there is another part of this comparison. Having the ability after we saw the world consciously. Children learn a lot of things while they are growing even their mother language of themselves. Actually, we can say that they learn everything while they are growing. And they can see and understand some unique things from the most basic thing. Sometimes we can not understand what they said and look from their perspective.

What am I trying to say is a child can be a super genius when they grow up from just seeing a color. And it is much better if they got something from their family and looked to the world from unique perspectives and get some specific point that other people could not get, they must have been intelligent!



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