Did Someone Say Digital Travel?

From time to time, we have thought about how it would be if we were deprived of some things. Not being able to eat chocolate for the rest of your life, never being able to play video games again… However, have you ever thought about this? Not being able to travel again or not having access to the Internet again?


To be honest, it’s easy for me to answer. The Internet is an element that covers a large area of my life, so it’s something I can’t give up easily. Even if I like to travel, being separated from the Internet is terrible for me. Even though I am very familiar with the Internet, I think this is because I am not a travel enthusiast. Moreover, people travel just to see a place. And for this, they need to work and save money, create a budget. But with the Internet, everything is free and we can access anywhere with a click.I am very familiar with the Internet, I think this is because I am not a travel enthusiast. Moreover, people travel just to see a place. And for this, they need to work and save money, create a budget. However, with the Internet, everything is free and we can access anywhere with a click. In addition, if I want to travel as someone who hates getting tired, I can log into google map and walk around the streets of any country or look around. Although everyone calls it laziness, I don’t agree with it. Traveling is nice and fun only up to a point. People also get tired of traveling after a while because eventually they run out of places to visit and they don’t want to see the same places again and again. However, I’m saying that the Internet is a vast platform. We can actually think of it as a second world. This second world has no end. The deeper you go, the deeper you go, and the more you discover. That’s why the internet is great for me.


In conclusion, the reason why everyone calls the Internet monotonous and boring is that they haven’t discovered the amazing sides of the Internet yet.





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