Dicipline Is Freedom

Dicipline: a common factor most of us do have in life for certain statements and topics. Dicipline this, dicipline that- would be what some of us say, but let’s take a closer look at it; why is dicipline such an important thing? Many people set goals and aims for themselves, while trying to achieve them. Though, a lot us think that as long as we’ve set our minds to do something, we’d achieve it sooner or later. But, it’s not as easy; can such a thing really happen when one is so carefree and unaware of being able to achieve such a slight matter could possibly require great hard work and self control?

When we set a goal for oursevles, many of us only do it only for the idea so that they could feel a sense of succes, a matter of living, a purpose to go on; while not even moving an inch to make that goal come to life. Furthermore, a goal helps us to realize that life’s not as dull and as ordinary then it actually is; it makes us come to the conclusion that this, the goal we’ve set for ourselves, will lead us to real success and a sense of pleasure within being able to achieve what we have set our minds to. However; we cannot possibly achieve something without any hard work. Even the greatest artists, musicians, mathemathicians, physicits to the greatest parents have came to where they currently are through hard work and experience; even a gifted someone cannot surpass an ordinary individual whom have had worked hard enough to be the greatest version of themselves.

In summery, it all comes down to determination and hard work. I believe that people at any age could achieve their goals with enough effort and self management. There’s nothing more important than will power while working towards a goal in life; even the slightest effort is better than none, there’s no such thing as “too late” when it comes to success; as long as we’re willing to give our shot to it and work hard- there are no limits to what an individual can make happen. And that’s why; dicipline is freedom.

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