Dialectic, the Essence of Advancement

Imagine a utopic world where everybody agrees whatever you say. No one has an opposing ideas and world is in peace. Do you think humanity would improve if no one disagreed with each other?

Ideas can only develop at a discussion where opposition exists and each person expresses their own opinions. This is related with philosopher Georg W. F. Hegel’s dialectical method which is composed of Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis model. According to Hegel first there should be an idea to begin this is called thesis, then there should be an opposing idea called antithesis. At the end a synthesis which is the combination of the great ways of the thesis and the antithesis. For example capitalism is a thesis and communism is the antithesis of capitalism. Combination of the great parts of these makes up the synthesis social democracy, which is a system used in many developed countries and arguably the best system for countries.

Technology had improved as more wars broke out throughout the history. If we look at the statistics of technology development we can see that the biggest rises were from the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. During this timeline 7 of the 10 deadliest wars in history were fought and many of the revolutionary advancements in technology were made. For instance, we were able to reach to the outer space because of the German investments to the V-2 rocket which was the first long ranged guided ballistic missile. V-2 rocket was first used in World War 2 for bombarding cities and in 1944 it became the first man made object to reach the space. After the war, United States and Soviet Union both used these rocket plans to compete with each other to see which side would be the first the reach the space. This competition was also known as The Space Race. World War 2 also resulted in development of the first computer. During the World War 2 United States started to develop the ENIAC, also known as Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, in order to calculate the artillery firing tables.

In conclusion, in a utopic world where no one ever disagrees with each other, technology wouldn’t be any different than prehistoric human communities. Since no one would fight over anything world would be quite peaceful but in terms of technology world would be very weak. So, in my opinion wishing for a world like that is not a logical thing and I wouldn’t want to live in a world like that.

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