Deep In Space

I was wandering through space-time with my BC-100 Light-traveler which went up to 5 light-years every second! and there it was, the blackhole named: TON-618 it was so big nearly the size of our galaxy! Sadly, it was used to throw space junk until the year 50188 because we found a bigger one to travel to named BE3Z0S it was roughly 3 times the size of our galaxy which is just massive in terms of space. When we went to J1407b which is just so beautiful to look at it has 300 times bigger rings than Saturn and we watched that for 3 days while waiting for the star to charge our BC-100 and we went to our way but a blackhole caught us off-guard which led to us drifting inside slowly. It was scary but when I was inside, I saw another reality another universe and I went to earth on that universe and it had no cigarettes alcohol and whatsoever it was so fun to meet other people and Elon Musk was super poor on that universe, that made me laugh a lot. Sun was smaller than earth but was a Neutron Star which it had roughly the same mass as before and I decided to go on another blackhole which led us to another universe which now Mr. Yıldırım was a multi-trillionaire and Elon Mush was a multi-quadrillionaire which was weird since it was only on billions in our universe! It was fun, but I decided to visit some other planets like the diamond planet 55 Cancri e which its core is made out of 60-70% diamond! I tried going through the blackhole one more time but it made us go to another universe so we were stuck we needed to go through nearly infinite blackholes to fix this. It was super hard to find this much blackholes but I was finally in my universe, or was I? I thought I was in my home universe but it was just a really similar one but I really liked this universe I think I’m going to stay here! I asked myself was this my final choice? Yes, I think it is, bye for now!

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