
Many of us have been asked before: Are the decisions we make with our logic more productive or the ones we make with our emotions? In school life, should I regulate my friendships and control my emotions, or should I listen to my logic and focus on my studies? Is it better to marry a man who is successful in his career and is educated, or to spend a lifetime with a man you love who cannot find a job? You are lucky if you can use your brain and heart in a balanced way. Let me tell you, especially as someone who has experienced these days, that you need to give a little more priority to the decisions you make with your logic. Your logic is your brain, your emotions. your hearth . So does someone always have to win? Can’t the heart and the brain get along?

Your emotions are often things we enjoy doing. My logic tells me to study, but there is something else behind it that will make me very happy. You can also ask, have you ever tried to act with your logic? I acted with my logic for years and then I became an unhappy person. My logic told me to just study, but I had to keep everything to myself and I was left alone. After finishing secondary school, I met wonderful people and I had changed, but this time I exploded in classes. Maybe I could have studied more and made fewer friends. But when I think about it, I think they are both equally. It is not very suitable for me to do it as such. It is necessary to make extra effort to study here. What I don’t understand is how the people around me can, while I cannot regulate my emotions with my logic. I think everyone has a different balance. While someone learns quickly by repeating, someone else does not understand even by studying for hours. This often seems very unfair to me and you can never control this.Of course, the subject is not just about the lesson, let me give an example from my own life. I play in the sixth league in my volleyball team, and in the middle of the year they suddenly offered to move me to the fifth league. I’m very happy that my logic is always on the side of bad things. I could have had the opportunity to improve myself and work more professionally with people who are older than me and have played for longer years. What about my old teammates, was I going to just forget about them and rise to the top. But now, when the team needs me? If I get out, I may have a brighter future in volleyball. While I started playing in both teams and believed that I had a perfect balance, I got injured as a result of such hard training and pushing myself too much, and my studies were not bad, so I could not fulfill my responsibilities. After my injury, I had a lot of time to think while I was in the hospital. I was only going to train 4 days a week, but now, in addition to school, training, homework and writing this article, I also had to go to physical therapy every week. Which is still the case, but I’m used to it now.
In short, everyone’s balance is different. Frankly, I still haven’t established that balance completely, but I hope you have been able to establish it.

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