December 31th

Ever since World War 3 had started, there had been rumours going around. Nuclear weapons were rather easy to access now, especially for the developed countries. People were doting on the possibility of a nuclear bomb being launched from anywhere. No country ever mentioned the usage of these weapons, since they were quite the taboo, it would either result in the other countries being wary of them and possibly set an end to the ongoing war, or the whole world taking sides against them. But not telling about something didn’t always mean such a thing was not done. Everyone was afraid of a bomb landing where they lived, and even though many avoided talking about this topic, it definitely was concerning to anyone that’s a civillian.

It was a month until Christmas and all of the world needed some distraction from the ongoing events. The people went shopping as if everything was normal, they bought trees, candles and decorations hoping they’ll live longh enough to use them. That was the year with the most spendings done, through the whole recorded human history, as money held little to no concern now. All that mattered was to live, to see the next day with their loved ones present. No children hoped for Santa to come home that year, the only thing they wanted was their parents to come back safe and sound.

No one ever dared to start a coversation about the war, even on social media. The whole world was playing pretend, everyone wanted to escape reality, even though they were the ones to create it in the first place. Gifts were bought, houses were decorated and a facade was put on by people for nobody but themselves to believe. Everything was going on as if the war was but a sour dream. People kept working for the money that held almost no importance anymore, everyone was aware that once you lost it, no money could buy one a new life, but it became kind of a coping mechanism for people. Concern about money was definitely far more bearable than the concern about life.

The Dystopian Christmas Album | DearnleyThe year was drawing to an end and people were celebrating. A hopeful feeling was present among everyone, nobody could ever believe they were the ones hurting themselves. The war was no divine punishment, it was created by humans and humans only and they were able to end this if they wanted. The snow was covering the once bloody streets as if it was trying to show people that fixing the burdens caused by the war was possible. Hope was almost visible in the dark, cold streets. Everyone started counting down at once and their claps filled the winter air. It was only seconds before the new year. And, just then, a sound louder that all of the claps echoed through. Yet no one was able to hear it, the whole world fell in immense silence.

On December 31th 2112, 23:59:59 a nuclear bomb, bigger than all th0se ever made hit the surface and a big eruption took place, thus marking the end of humanity.

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