Dandelion Boy

Who is that?
The man in the picture over there
Oh, he is a dead boy, that’s it….
He can just smile through that one picture the picture that is all that’s left of him that seems to be as old as the oldest ever to be that photo is the only way for me to remember his face or else it will get blurrier than it is now like ı will never be able to remember his face ever again
I said to myself
That was it, the end? An unknown and unremarkable life that has been ended by death brought by their self, even no memories left behind just that one picture and that one night.
That one night where he decided to end everything to take control of his own life for just once for the first time and logically the last since you know…. death.
He was a boy around the age of nineteen who seemed to like dandelions.. a lot
He always seemed to be there standing by the dandelions that’s why ı named him the dandelion boy over the time
That is where he met me, a stranger that interfered with his decisions and who was willing to help him till the end. How strange it is, isn’t it?
That’s where ı met him, a complete silhouette that was losing himself, losing his soul helpless enough to try and die.
I don’t know why ı shouted those words, thinking that they would help
Don’t… don’t budge an inch!
He looked at me seemed like rather than him, his eyes were talking asking me why he was hopelessly looking for an answer that would make him take a step back from the cliff that the dandelions grew
I couldn’t answer him ı mean naturally ı didn’t know him, nor did he know me what could ı even say?
I mean, the only thing ı knew about him was that he only liked dandelions
I wished my eyes talked to him too because ı couldn’t ı was just standing there can’t even spit out any Word
I thought that in that very movement, when he took a step back, he understood my eyes and that he forgave himself
At that specific time ı felt the butterflies move around my stomach and dance to a happy melody because ı helped the dandelion boy, but after that two seconds ı felt all the butterflies dropping dead inside just like the boy that was gonna drop dead

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