
“It starts to protect the country, to protect the children” You must have heard that sentance from Great Leader Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Mustafa Kemal tells us that the protection of the homeland is not only by protecting the homeland itself, but also by protecting the children inside the homeland. We deduce from this that our Great Leader He cares and respects children very much. If he does not come to my management, we can see that how or how well children are raised from a young age, the more they can contribute to the economy of the country. It is so difficult to reach life in Turkey. Since the examples of our country’s provincial Başak schools may be different, the rate of reaching what they are looking for varies so much. Of course, they vary according to the economic differences in Turkey’s living conditions. Great value and importance should be given to children and young people in order to ensure that this country can stand still and ensure that this country is independent.

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