Could Aliens Be Real?

Hello I am Ömer Kaan Aksoy İm in Bestepe Koleji and ill talk about Could aliens be real today lets go.


“The waves that are 32 light years from our planet have not reached us yet. Considering the size of the universe, the first 'hello' message heading towards us may be on the way.” Do you agree with this idea and think that there is life on a different planet? Support your opinion.
the universe is too big to imagine planets, systems galaxies space. we can't be alone
Waves coming to our planet do not have to be 32 light years away, radio sensors can receive messages from other planets at any time and place. There are also planets called Super-Earths. These planets are special types of planets that are larger than the mass of the Earth but smaller than the mass of Neptune or Uranus, even if you are in a habitable environment and at a good distance from the star that planet is orbiting. There are 15-20 of these planets in the Milky Way. With our research so far, we have been able to find ~2000 of these planets. Non-human organisms could exist on any of these planets. Conclusion: I think there are "aliens".

thank you for reading..
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