Correlation Between Imagination and Knowledge

A famous quote by Albert Einstein is, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”. Another famous quote this time by Thomas Edison is, “To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.”.  Now you can’t necessarily say that only one is correct as in the long run they both result to the same conclusion.

Einstein’s quote can sometimes be understood wrong for example it could be interpreted as knowledge isn’t necessary and you only need imagination to be successful but that can’t be further from the truth. The quote actually means you need to have a good imagination to have creative ideas and correlate those ideas with knowledge and hard work so get a successful result. Edison’s quote basically is very similar to it as it means that with a good imagination you can create anything useful or worthy even it is made from garbage. You just need to but the time and good ideas into it. This quote doesn’t mean that knowledge isn’t necessary though. You obviously need knowledge to get whatever your idea was to work. Whether it be a machine or a tiny little drawing of a flower. You need physics and engineering for the machine and you still need to know how to draw a flower.

In conclusion we can say that imagination and knowledge is correlated to each other and we can’t specifically say that only one of the quotes are correct.


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