Consequences of Paradise

Being rich and famous is good, isn’t it? Well it does sound good however being rich and famous isn’t pure good or pure bad.

Sometimes it may be good to be both, first of all you can buy most stuff you wish, not being in a financial responsibility saves you the stress, when you’re famous you hold considerable power online, being able to implement your idea to other people.

However, the bad sides are also considerable. Being rich requires sacrifice, to lose some stuff from your life and even losing your privacy. It would make you feel somewhat uncomfortable with what you have, you could be treated different from what and how you are than what you were when you were rich.

Being famous can also sometimes be bad, Lack of privacy is one of the biggest issues of this, you and your family being in constant risk from people. You could also have rumours about yourself which may be true or not, nevertheless being unsettling as many people believe in most of the stuff presented online.  According to psychologist and author Pamela Stephenson, “fame is extremely bad for your health.” Many celebrities struggle with their mental health, including anxiety, depression, body image issues, and other mental struggles with their health. Being famous can also possibly decrease your life expectancy as according to a 2014 study by University of Sydney psychology professor Dianna Kenny, the lifespan of pop stars is 25 years less than non-famous people. Her study also showed that the chances of death from these causes are greater than the US population. Accidental death rates were between five and 10 times greater. Suicide rates were between two and seven times greater, and homicide rates were up to eight times greater than the US population.

However it isn’t always a disaster to be both, many people who have these two are also doing a great deal of good things to the population, helping, donating their money, starting charities it always relies on your personality and what you are it is always a great thing to help people in need and support those with what you have rather than only spend it on yourself.



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