Colorful Psychology

Human psychology is kind of a thing that directs our behaviors, decisions and lots more. Colours are one of the parts in our life and they effects the soul  variety of ways. We use colors for different goals such as reliability, marketing, shopping preferences ,etc. We can understand from these areas that colors influence us and guide . 

Its general truth that people effected by colors but  diseases coming from the colors can not be thing to count on easily. Somebody thinks there is no chance to get sick because of the colors but somebody also says that colors are one of the reasons of illnesses even in the old times. 

People. Doesn’t give much importance to physicology -not seems very important but maybe the most important thing in our life-  but nowadays, with technologıcal lıfe ıt ıs popular science and  physicologısts are desired from lots of people. Not only colors human body can affected odors, voices and lots of sensible things. What they see is the most unforgettable one because human brain wont easily forget visible ones. 

Colors can cause some diseases but is it possible to use them for cure? 

Scientists always works for psychologıcal  therapy methods but today they are not enough to prevent new generation diseases. New generations -universally- don’t have psychologıcal diseases. But  they  have  psychologic problems nearly every time.  I agree with a view which defends that some diseases’ cure is colors because according to some scientists -made research there is possibility for it. You can also absorb from your surroundings that people who wear black is generally upset or pessimistic However people who wears colorful clothes are usually happy ones. 

To summarıze, we can mention that colors are in every part of our life such as even jellies our gums are preparing attractıve colors to support consuming, some companıes choose colors whıch makes people relıable to their employees, banks are designing with green color to stimulate people to spend money and supermarkets are also desıgnıng to attract people. At the end colors are creating our life. 

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