Colorful Doors

Isn’t it so hard to study every day for 9 months and study at school 5 days a week? I’m really tired. I am 24 years old and about to finish my final year at university. I had my most difficult year in these 17 years of education and now my education life is coming to an end, this difficult process that I have devoted my whole life for years for a good future is about to end. I think I deserve a nice vacation, but I have no idea what to do because I haven’t had time to go on vacation from studying for years.

What I heard 2 weeks before the end of my school makes me sad, all my friends tell me about their holiday plans with their families, and I left my family for school and came to Ankara. Since I live alone, it is a separate challenge to plan what I will do on vacation. Since I didn’t want to listen to these conversations anymore, I thought it was time to go home and get a good sleep.

On the way to my house I saw 4 different doors next to my favorite café. 4 different doors, the colors of which are blue, pink, green and purple . I was very surprised to see these doors because I used to come to this café every day and I felt like a fool that I hadn’t seen these doors before. I decided to open all the doors…

Hur startar man ett cafe? - Kalkyl och info - Ancon


When I opened the blue door, which was the first door I saw, I saw a train, it said Balkan tour. I think people were taking a tour of the Balkans by train to see a new country, to see a new culture, to taste new food, to meet new people, and most importantly, to give themselves new perspectives. I was very interested because I also like to see a new country. I had heard a lot about the Balkan countries in my history classes. If that tour includes visiting the Greek Islands, I am very glad on behalf of the passengers!

Then I decided to open the pink door. When I opened this door, the first thing that greeted me was a family touring the Ege of Turkey with their family. I was a little sad to see this family enjoying a holiday with a loud music in their car. I can say I’m jealous. Although it would not be bad if I convinced my family and we could tour Ege with my family!

When I opened the third door, the green door, I was very touched by what I saw. The little girl, who had not seen her cousins, grandmother, uncle and relatives for years, had gone to her hometown and was talking with her family.  I thought it was time to meet with my family because today I realized once again how much I miss them.

When I opened the purple door, the last door, I saw a girl studying. I think she was preparing for his exams and looked like a pretty successful student. To improve herself, she was studying and repeating all her lessons, trying to get in the habit of reading books and trying to improve her English, which she was behind in the whole class. I admired his perseverance, people can achieve anything when they really tries.

When I woke up to my cat’s meowing, I realized that everything was a dream. In fact, these imaginary doors showed me what I could do on vacation. In this way, I made my holiday plan and decided to start preparing. Thank you my dream!

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