Mr. Carter, who was watching  the basketball match of his old high school,he  liked the way the players played, he was offered to be the coach of the basketball team a few weeks later. After some thought, he accepted the offer. After taking over the team, he added a study requirement to make the team, more disciplined, which did not take training seriously because they were champions before, and also to ensure that the players on the team could enter the university not only for their basketball careers but also for additional careers. He gave the players a contract to implement these terms. Some of the players, who did not take the game and the school that seriously, returned the contract to Mr. Carter without signing it and walked off angry. One of the remaining players, who thought it was ridiculous to sign the contract, shouted insulting words at the coach and then pulled a knife at the coach. The coach defended himself and kicked him out. After he left, training started hard.

When they lost the first match, the whole team lost their desire to play. But they started to win in the following matches. At the same time, the players did not break the rule of “getting high grades in school” which was one of the conditions in the contracts they signed.

The boy, who was kicked off the team a few weeks after the final match, after witnessing his uncle being shot on the street, immediately went to Coach Carter’s house and hugged him crying. Cruz asked the coach to take him back to the team and said he would do whatever the coach asked him to do. The coach gave him a task that he could not complete even in 5 days alone. His teammates, feeling sorry for their friend, wanted to stay with him and help him complete the punishment while the training was over. The punishment ended that day.

One day, while looking at the players’ test scores, Coach Carter noticed that the teachers were lying about the players’ grades. Everyone’s grades were terrible. There were 6 days left until the final match. Coach Carter took the whole team to the library and made them study until their grades improved, until they got good news from their teachers, and locked the locker room door. When the parents of the players were very upset about this situation, Coach Carter explained that he wanted these children to have a future and that this was very important to him. After a while, the families found what Coach Carter did right. One day before the final, Coach Carter went to the library and gave good news. Everyone’s grades had improved, and they could now play in the final match.

The final match was very competitive; Coach Carter’s team was behind by 1 point in the last seconds of the match. Coach Carter brought the three-point shooter, who was back on the team, into the game. At the last second, the three-point shooting kid took a shot from the three-point line and went in. Richmond High School became the champion. After the championship, every player entered the university and had great careers just like the coach wanted.



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