Clubs for the Students

As we are trying to extend our students knowledge about the world with lessons that provide them that, we also need out-of-school activities to further this knowledge.  After conducting an interview with our students I have gained some valuable insight.

The sport club which is a club that makes student thrive for a healthier body while having fun with sports like football and basketball was one of the most liked clubs that students wanted to be a part of. The students stated that the sports club was a way of relaxing while enjoying doing sports and that they could better cope with lessons when they did active exercise.

The art workshop, where students paint their heart out,  is pushing students to be more creative. One of the seniors who had been painting from a young age,Jake, expressed that he felt a sense of relaxation and that it became easier to think of answers no one else could think of.

The outdoor adventure program which teaches pupils to be one with nature with camping and tracking is also an excellent opportunity for students. In the interviews most students mentioned that it really helped them to give their minds a rest and connect with their friends.

In conclusion every club has its positive impact on the life of students however I think the best club for students to join would be the sports club since it gives the most benefits while providing a sense of enjoyment to the pupils.

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