Cloning Controversy

Have you ever thought about cloning yourself? And maybe thought about sending it to the school because you are way too lazy to go to school the nest day? Well,i can assure you that most of the people on this world thought about doing this. But is it ethical to clone yourself?Or does it have any negative sides besides the positive ones?


First of all, cloning doesnt seem to be ethical around the world. At least most of the scientists say this. It may not be ethical to clone something but it has too much pros. For instance lets assume that you have lost an limb or another organ. It is always possible. So, if you have problems with your liver you can replace it with another clone of your liver. Or maybe you can replace another organs with your clone. Besides those advantages it helps with curing diseases. Lets say you have a disease that currently has no cure. You can take your clone as reference for the cure. These are some of the advantages but it is also crucial not to forget about the frame of ethics.


Secondly,cloning may have some problems.Like most of the cloning experiments end in an unwanted way.Usually the original dying first or the clone being a failure or the clone is completely another thing. Also it is stated that cloning eliminates genetic diversity. As you make a clone of a thing it just becomes the same thing and this process decreases the genetic diversity as you have the same thing. Another thing is that it costs way too much to clone something. You just cant basically clone a thing when you want to.It may cost you a fortune to clone a full-body of a person. Also it is stated that clones may not have the same traits as the original ones.Despite both having the same genetic structure the behaviours may differ from one clone to other.


To sump up,i think that if cloning can go a bit further it will become a very usefull and efficient technique in world.But it has to be more reliable and be more cheaper so that people can use cloning technique more easily.


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