In 5 july 1996, the first cloning experiment has been started. In this experiment scientist aim was to make an living organism which is same with the other organism which means clonning. The sheep ‘Dolly’ was the test subject. They have took the gene of Dolly and tried to make the experiment with that gene and as a result they have succeeded to make an organism as same as Dolly. But the cloned organism did not live for a long time becuse the cloned organisms cell was the cell of original organism. So that means when cloned organism born, it was already have an age. So after they have succeed this experiment they stoped it because of some safety laws.

So what are the positive and negative effects of cloning?

Cloning can be a process that can be used for good things and also bad things. Experiment also stoped for the possibility of using this for bad things. So cloning can be have some good usage like for example if a person has a problem about organs and if there needs to be organ that the person should take, that organ can be taken from the clone. Also It can help prevent the extinction of species. Cloning can also provide people to deal with hunger less. Or maybe if there is any situation that needs to be a population then the clones can be also work!

But ofcourse there is some bad usage of this clone. For example when there is a plan about crime, they can clone theirself so if there is a situation like getting catch then your clone is catch and also you know as catched so there will be no police mans which look around for you. Also it can eliminates genetic diversity.

Theese are just some of the usage of cloning so there will be more and this clone ideas can be get advanced in future and maybe new examples good or bad can be added to this example list.



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