City Life vs Village Life

Eight billion people live in the world. According to the world bank 56% of the world’s population -4.4 billion people- live in cities. This trend is expected to continue, with the urban population more than doubling its current size by 2050, at which point nearly 7 of 10 people will live in cities. It means that most of the people prefer city life. In my opinion city life and village life have advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of city life:

  • Transportation is easier than village. There are wide variety of vehicles (e.g., cars, buses, trains) in cities.
  • In cities you can easily find foods or drinks. You can eat and drink at a restaurant or you can go supermarket to buy foods and drinks. The food opportunities are better.
  • There are lots of enjoyable activities such as concerts, cinemas, theaters…
  • Education is better in the cities, because teachers and schools are better.
  • You can easily reach the news and informations.
  • Hospitals, fire stations and police stations is closer.

Disadvantages of city life:

  • There are a lot of traffic in cities, because in cities the number of the people that works is so high. People go to work and the traffic occurs.
  • City air is polluted because of the factories.
  • City life is so stressful.
  • Cities are very noisy and there is chaos in the cities.

Advantages of village life:

  • Village life is peaceful.
  • Village air clean so the oxygen level is high. It makes your brain work better.
  • You eat what you plant. So you should look after your fruits and vegetables that you plant. Doing this job keeps you fit.

Disadvantages of village life:

  • Hospitals are too far so becoming ill is dangerous.
  • You reach the news late.

I prefer city life, but my house should not be in the center. So the chaos and air pollution is lesser and you can easily reach the news. I love village life too, but I can stay at village for two weeks. In conclusion; if you hate chaos, you should live in village. But if chaos is not a problem for you, you can live in city.





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