Christmas Night

In this Christmas we have a beautiful tree, cookies and delicious dinner.  When I and my family were waiting for new year, I suddenly saw a flying deer. I saw it out of the window. It was so beautiful.

I came to the window and the deer flew me. I and the deer went  to Santa’s house. I saw an elf and he said “Hello”.  We went to toys workshop. I saw a lot of toys here. Many Elfs work on here. They were making beautiful toys. Dolls, teddy bears, cars, robots, the toy dogs, yo-yo etc.

He asked me:

– Which toy do you want for Christmas?

I thouht  and saw it.. It’s so many beautiful.

– I want this penguen , I said.

This penguen has soft fur, little hat, little scarf and blue White colours.

Ten minutes later, I said “thank you and good bye” to elf. This surprise is so nice for me.

I went my home with my penguin.

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