Christmas Miracle

It was only seconds before the new year. And just then the doorbell rang. He wasn’t expecting someone. He was scared because the doorbell was broken as he knows. He was terrified however he was wondering who rang the doorbell as well. He started to walk slowly to the stairs. Then suddenly he heard a noise. It sounds like an old lady. An old , crusty lady. Actually it sounds like his mother but he knows that it can’t be possible because she passed away years before. After he went downstairs he knew that something bad will happen soon. He was sweating and shaking but his thoughts was saying that he is exaggerating his feelings, maybe it won’t be that bad. He slowly walked to the big,old,putrid door ; he closed his eyes and opened the door. As soon as he opened the door he did not believe what he saw.

Once upon a time there was a little boy in the woods who lives all alone because of loosing his parents. The boy named Jacob. He was an ordinary boy who can cook, read books and doing chores basicly. His favorite activity is walking to the river, sitting there and just dreaming about things he would like to do. His biggest dream was spending at least a full day with his mother. She was a beautiful lady in past but she passed years ago. Although she was stil his best friend, his favorite person in the whole entire world. She always weared a long white dress which has flowers on it. He dreams her wearing in this dress in the wood, dancing and singing with him. And she loved new years eve and christmass. She always bakes cinnamon cookies for him because she knowed it was Jacob’s favorite dessert.

At 31th of December, he was really excited as usual because it was her mothers favorite. He went to river that day and dream as he always do however this time he imagined a real thing. It happened years before but somehow he still remembers it. It was christmass and his parents are still alive. They were sitting the couch which was infront of the fireplace. They were cuddling and talking, laughing. While he was dreaming he was smiling. It was a great memory to imagine. Then suddenly he felt that he needed to go  home as soon as possible. He didn’t knew why but just felt it anyways. He went to his old, a little scary but still feels safe home. Then he started to baking that cinnamon cookies. His mother left that recipe for him. Then he went to upstairs to watch the snowfall. It was only seconds before the new year. And just then the doorbell rang. He wasn’t expecting someone. He was scared because the doorbell was broken as he knows. He was terrified however he was wondering who rang the doorbell as well. He started to walk slowly to the stairs. Then suddenly he heard a noise. It sounds like an old lady. An old , crusty lady. Actually it sounds like his mother but he knows that it can’t be possible because she passed away years before. After he went downstairs he knew that something bad will happen soon. He was sweating and shaking but his thoughts was saying that he is exaggerating his feelings, maybe it won’t be that bad. He slowly walked to the big,old,putrid door ; he closed his eyes and opened the door. As soon as he opened the door he did not believe what he saw. It was his parents!

He was shocked that he almost fell down. They were like ghosts but they weren’t flying or you can simply touch them easily. Before he says something his mom started to speak. Turns out that it was really a Christmas miracle. She said that: “Darling, just for this year we can spend a full day with you. I know it sounds silly but trust me we know that you dream about this every single day. Your father and I missed you so much.”. Then she hugged Jacob tightly. He was finally feeling truly safe. They sat on the same couch that they sat down years ago. They were cuddling. Just a second he thought they were real, like they were never passed. They talked and laughed for hours. Even her mom danced and sang in the woods that morning. Exactly 11.59 p.m they hugged and said goodbye to each other second but the last time. He cryed for hours but no matter what he feels it was the best 24 hours of his life


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