Children are the future of the country. This shortly means, protecting children’s rights shapes the future of a society. This is because if children don’t allow to do things they want to do and saying their ideas freely; in future they will be turn into humans who scared to share their ideas and who don’t have their own opinions. If society consists of such people like I tell, country that they are part of cannot develop. Also, if older generations try to impose their thoughts on children -even tough with time many things changed- in future they will also try to impose their ideas to their own children and this will be end with a society that hates new ideas and people who have different ideas from they have. And other from freedom of speech and taking education rights, every child must have the freedom of living and growing in peace. You can’t wait children to improve their selves and having a healthy mind when they growing in the middle of the war, when they even do not have guarantee of still living tomorrow. One of the other right children have been eating and drinking when they need. Childhood is one of the times human bodies grows the most. Because of this having success to fresh foods and water is very important in the childhood. What and how much children eat also affects their mental health. While even they do not have access to fresh food and water you cannot wait them to smile. One of the other right children have been playing with other children. Humans are social creatures especially in the childhood allowing them to play and socialize will create a society that can socialize and communicate easily. Also not allowing them to play and socialize will create a society that have problems in communication. This will have many bad affects that can be easily seen.

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