Child Rights

Childs are human beings that seem weak but actually have strong personalities and imagination. They have got rights to play, to get educated, to get healthcare and to express their opinions and most importantly; If they get harm, being protected. These kids are people who are going to form our future. So it should be necessary for them to not get hurt physically, mentally or spiritually. But most of the jobs that are given to kids are harmful for their health, potentially making them psychopaths, schizophrenia or cause other mental injuries; also giving them physical injuries. Now do not get me wrong, there are some jobs that do not harm the future generations but most of the jobs do not support the right conditions for a kid to continue their lives as good as before afterwards they had worked. Kids also are not considered having minds that are stable as adults and therefore not allowed to vote or enter jobs. This also is since they do not have the ability to choose between right and wrong. Any kinds of company that are working on a job that would harm the child but still uses kids as workers, the person in that company who is in charge should always be punished with prison or heavier punishments.   

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