Man and woman, detectives and FBI agents working together on a case in office.


OK, I knew. I was already a person who was aware of the difficulties of this profession and what I would experience. But this… I didn’t know what to do in the face of this event that upset me the most and prevented me from thinking rationally. The coffees I drank at night to wake me up, and the documents I examined in the morning to maybe find something were ineffective. I was like a trapped mouse. And although I was depressed, in the end, I would be the winner.

January 13, 2030

All the files related to this case are in my room. NOW.

There was no one in the office where I arrived early in the morning, except for a few employees. As the smell of bitter coffee from the machine brought me to my senses, I would try to find a way out of the documents as a last resort. Every day without Emika made me suffer. She was my best friend, and her absence for days worried me. One of the events she was working on could have worked against her, and she could be in the hands of malicious men right now. The thought of losing her… It was horrible.

-Here you go, ma’am, all the files you want are here. Good luck with.

I glanced at the stack of papers I had received. These papers, which I had to examine down to the smallest detail, contained photographs of Emika and the cases she had dealt with in the past. The fact that a senior cop like her was so helpless right now made me stronger and guided me to reach her. Until this case is resolved, I would be determined and would not deal with another case without punishing the culprits.

It was the “Jacques Nicole Case” that made me doubt the most. As far as I can remember, Emika had dealt with this incident a lot and made great efforts to bring down the crime. Moreover, they were indelible traces of this event. Something inside me was telling me that his current disappearance had something to do with this case. I was a good detective, I had not encountered a case that I could not solve until now, and I was sure that I would not. Emika’s trust in me and the fact that the beautiful friendship between us would never end kept me fresh.

After working until noon, I thought that walking by the seaside would relieve my mind and I put on my coat. It was very cold and there was a long traffic. I started walking, ignoring the sounds around me. When I realized that I was hungry, I wanted to buy a bagel from the old man on the road. I put my hand in my pocket and something happened that made my blood run cold. I found a piece of paper in my pocket that said “Call me now!”. On the crumpled paper, there was also a number whose last digit had been wiped out. At that moment, my hands began to tremble and my eyes began to darken. I couldn’t see anything, I just looked around in amazement.

What would I do? What did that mean? Who put the paper in my pocket and how? I couldn’t understand… I was very confused and wanted to go back to the office and consult someone. I stopped a passing taxi and gave the address. When we reached the front of the office, I held the paper tightly and handed the money and called the people I thought would help me to my room. After the consultation that lasted for about two hours, I also stopped by the police station and we made the necessary applications. The numbers, addresses, names and photos of the suspects we tried… Finally, we decided to go to the address we found after thinking calmly. Tomorrow would be the big day and I was going to achieve another success.

January 14, 2030

I woke up in the morning with great excitement and got dressed. While I was looking at myself in the mirror in black clothes, I did not let the flood in me take over me. Everything would be fine and I would save Emika. Together with a few policemen I spoke to yesterday, we set out to carry out our plan. While we were on our way to the address we found, my stomach was getting cramps.

The place indicated by the address was a large and frightening warehouse. I felt cold the moment I took the first step inside. I was just continuing to walk when I stopped with the man who came across me. He looked me up and down and checked outside. Our plan with the cops was working great. He grabbed my arm and dragged me inside. When I saw Emika sitting with her hands tied in a chair in the middle of the gray walls, I started to scream. I made a move towards her, but she was watching me with that determined look. There was no trace of fear on her face, but her menacing look gave the impression that I was in the wrong place right now. Fearfully, I turned around and came face-to-face with the men who were sneering at me. They pointed their guns at me and the following words came out of their mouths:

-We won, Carla… It’s game over.

The laugh I heard after a single shot was Emika’s.

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