Changing The Rules

Laws of physics are statements which are depended on observations or repeatingly done experiments. The term law has diverse usage in many cases across all fields of science(As approximate, broad, accurate…). Laws of physics are essential for our universe. Without them, we could not even stand still. And to this point, they were not changeable. But at this point, if I assume that I can change one, which one would it be?

Laws of physics are more than important to our life because they literally control the way our live. For instance, Newtons centrifugal force. Without the centrifugal force, our lovely planet Earth could not orbit the Sun hence the sun would directly pull the Earth towards itself and gradually crush the planet Earth. Therefore there will be no absolute life. Further more, The Ohm Law. It states that the current passing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points provided the physical state and temperature etc. of the conductor does not change. Also it allows us to use and understand electrical circuits.We don't know how fast the universe is expanding, and that's a problem | New Scientist

Laws of physics affect a lot of things but being able to change one law would be interesting. For example, changing the law of inertia which is also the first law of Newton states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motionin a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the actionof an external force. Changing this law would allow us not to move backwards when the car moves forward.

Regarding those facts, I definitely would not change a single one. That is because without a single least important law of physic, our beloved life would be completely different. Not to mention it would be significantly harder. This is because we humanity evolved in a way that we could live the possible easiest life. Considering that we have evolved horizontal to the laws of physics, our life would not be at the same difficulty and also changing a law of physic is very probable to create an unstoppable chaos because of these reasons.Introduction to the Major Laws of Physics

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