Changing the future not the past

Would you rather you had the ability to see the future or change the past? This question is definitely a deepening question as it would make you think for a long time if you really care about the question. Seeing the future would ruin everything as you would know every single thing that is going to happen to you. But changing the past has its own problems, the most important one being if you were to change the past you would change the future too as past and future are connected. There is a thing called the butterfly effect which means that a small action taken in the past could cause something big in the future. This is what would happen if we were to change the past. Which in the end could have consequences as big as the World falling apart.

Well, If I was forced to choose one of the options my personal preference would be seeing the future I wouldn’t look that deeper into it I would just check our life standarts and my daily life. The reason I chose to see the future is because maybe I can change the future if we are not in good condition I can work harder . Every single thing about our future is in our hands, we decide our future by the amount of hard work we put in.

Seeing the future and changing the past both of these things are really weird but the thing that is weirder is the fact that the opposite of these two things are both ideal options, seeing the past and changing the future. Seeing the past would bring back so  many memories for a lot of people and it would create an emotional moment. Whereas changing the future would not it wouldn’t create an emotion that is out of ordinary that is because as I mentioned before we are doing it every single day.

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