Change for Success

We humans are always on the side of comfort. This has been the case for centuries. Even inventions  were invented to make people’s lives easier.  So what exactly is comfort? Comfort: sadness, distress, lack of uneasiness. The area we are in when we are comfortable is called the comfort zone. The comfort zone is the psychological area where the individual feels good and creates for himself. There are no surprises in this area, it is a familiar and exclusively under the control of the individual.  This field was modeled by Judith Bardwick. By his definition, the field of fear is a field of learning and growth. However, as he himself points out, those who manage to get out of the realm of fear can move into the realm of learning and growth. That is, people outside of their comfort zone feel insecure and alert at all times. But does staying in the comfort zone allow our lives to move forward, or is the comfort zone beneficial to us?

Although the comfort zone is good for us, everything has its benefits as well as its harms. In comfort zone we cannot do anything that is important in our lives or that will allow us to move forward during the time period when we are in the comfort zone.

Every minute and every second that we are comfortable is beautiful for us, but it is a nightmare for our future. So sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone and do something, no matter how uncomfortable we are, because  every little thing we do will return to us as a benefit in some way.  Because every minute we are not in the comfort zone allows us to grow and develop.

The reason for this is that there are different factors in our lives than we want. Even hearing the word difference can make some peoplenervous, but in fact it  is the differences that shape and direct our lives.

For example, famous businessmen such as Elon Musk  say that they would not be able to do what they do if they have not come out of their comfort zones. As an example, Elon Musk said: ‘Again, inspiration is a risk. It means stepping out of the comfort zone where you’ve never been before. ‘

It is dangerous to stay in the comfort zone created by a person as much as it is necessary for a personto recover and rest. Therefore, the time that the individual spends with the outside world should balance the time he spends in his comfort zone. The individual must see different things and develop and learn by jumping over obstacles. In this way, they can hold on to life and succeed. In other words, getting out of our comfort zone and seeing different variables and acting by taking risks allows us to achieve success.

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