Celebrating A New Life

New Year is a kind of holiday some people like a lot and some people just do not really care about. There are arguments like “Celebrating New Year is just nonsense because it is just another day in our lives just the decades are changing, our lives does not change magically.” I cannot say that I disagree with them but do we really have to do everything that seems logically? Why can’t we just celebrate it because we wanted to celebrate it?

I grew up in a family who cares about celebrating every special occasion in order to be and make people happy. My mother always thought celebrating New Years together was important because starting a whole new period in our lives with high hopes and the people you love and value the most would be the best way to be happy throughout the year. Thus we celebrate it with our family and loved ones most of the time. Although people we love changes every year, there are so many people who remains the same in these celebrations and we are happy with them.

Every year, our preparations begin with decorating our tree together. That is our favourite thing to do! Having a big tree and two pets can be demanding sometimes because our cat really likes to mess with the decorations on the tree, especially at midnight. Never giving up is the key!

My mother makes delicious foods and all kinds of dishes to serve the guests or bring to my grandmother. We used to go to my grandmother’s house to celebrate it as a family with my mother, my uncle and his family and  my grandparents! We eat and watch telly all night and when the countdown comes, my mother and I start to jump and yell on the couch!

I believe celebrating New Year means having fun and having hopes or things to with our lives or an excuse to change the way our lives are going. It is never nonsense to me, it taught me that loving and being loved is the best gift on the universe that you can either give or get from someone. I hope everyone a happy new year with their loved ones and dreams!


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