legs of person standing in circular marking on road with text COMFORT ZONE, being in or leaving own comfort zone concept

Can You Be Successful in Your Comfort Zone ?

Today we are going to talk about whether you can be successful at your comfort zone or not. I think that people’s interests and characteristics are decisive in this topic.

I think that there are some steps to become a successful person.This steps are mostly about communication and to think further about your goals . For example to talk with somebody you trust about your goals can be effective on being successful person , to do this of course you should leave your comfort zone and communucate with your family , teacher , friend or travelling. You can learn something by travelling and the thing that you learn can be your inspiration, due to this inspiration you can form your goal. On the other hand you should leave a time to question your aims and asking the question “What will I do to achieve my goal.” My opinion is in this time you can stay at your comfort zone because you are thinking and for me thinking alone is best. Now I want to give more examples : this is the writing version of last example , to not down your goals and writing what have you done to achive this goal.

I think this is the most important step to become a successful person: Make mistakes. If you don’t make mistakes you can’t learn . When you do a fault , you should take lesson from it.To make mistakes you should be open to new activities ideas and  people , so you should be sociable .

In concluison if you want to be sociable you should leave from your comfort zone and you should open yourself to new activities . That’s why to become a successful person you should leave your comfort zone.




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