Can Women Do The Same Job As Men?

There are many unsolved problems in today’s world. One of them is undoubtedly the decoupling between men and women. In some places, women are considered superior to men, while in some places the male gender is considered superior to women. One of these places that are considered superior is having a profession.

When you look at the past, the workload of women varies according to the country. In some countries, a woman lives only depending on a man and meets the needs of his household. In some countries, women were considered as strong as men and gave great help to men, at the same time taking full responsibility for the house when the man was not at home.

Unfortunately, some people’s thought structure never changes and they have an old-fashioned way of thinking. There are various reasons why they have patriarchal mindset. Cultural difference is an example of this. As a result of this mindset of people, they do not give women opportunities in many areas.

Nevertheless, today, the perception of women has begun to change, and they want women to be present in every field where there is a man. For this, they continue to carry out various protests and studies. Although they were biologically lagging behind, they began to be found a lot in professions that were considered ‘male professions.’ As an example of these, they are trying to find job opportunities in the industrial industry, the automotive sector and many other areas.

My opinion is that women should continue this work. Yes, although men are physically superior to women at some points, women also rival men in some other areas. In addition, different perspectives reveal new ideas, and perhaps we may even see technologies and similar products made by women which can change our lives. Back in the past, occupational discrimination was made not only for women, but but also men from different ethnic or religious background. I am happy to see with better education humanity can now see how wrong this decision was. I believe that the way people think about women will continue improving until both genders achieve a perfect hang in the esteem of all communities around the world.


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