Hello, my name is Cindy. I’m 11 years old. Today is Christmas. I’m so excited because time has passed so fast. I feel like it was just yesterday that we were entering 2022. But I think it’s a good feeling.

Yes, yes I know, now you will ask: “why did you say your name? A lot of people know you.” Because today is new year and now everyone sees me all screens. If you understand this topic, I will tell you my surprise. Today, I will read your comments for the first time in my life. Okay, we can start to read the comments:

One person wrote (Are you ready for Christmas?)

-Yes, I am ready for Christmas.

Another friend wrote (Do you love Christmas?)

-Yes, I do. It is my favorite day

(Did you decorate your Christmas tree?)

– hmm, “NO” because I didn’t have time but today I will.

Guys, I read your all comments.

5 minutes left to enter a new year.

Wow! Look at the clock. We have seconds to enter the new year. Let’s count down .






While we were counting down, a noise was heard. Everyone looked out of the window. There was a problem. The whole world entered 2021, not 2023.

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