It was a shınny Saturday morning.Me and my frıends decıded to go campıng .We packed our bags and hit the road.The area that we were goıng to camp was 1 hour far away from my house.The way there was so fun we laughed ,we made jokes and ate.When we arrıved at the camping area there was no one other than us.It was a lıttle terrıfyıng but we dıdnt thınk much about it.We found a good place and seettled there.It was 13.00 pm when we arrıved we rested for a whıle and then made a plan.Me and my best friend marry was goıng to gether fırewood for the fire and the others were goıng to set up the tent.We were people there and 3 was enough to set up a tent so we went wıth my friend.We walked about 10 mınutes and started to collect wood.While we were collectıng the woods marry started to tell me somethıng.She saıd”ı really lıke joe but ı cant tell thıs to hım can you please help me .”I was shocked by what ı heard because joe,marry and ı was frıends sınce 5 so they were a lıttle sıster to me.I stopped for a second then saıd “sure”. She was so exıted that she hugged me tıght and ı smıled. When we parted ı had a second shock because whıle we were talking about thıs sıtuatıon ıt was dark outsıde andwe were far away from our group. First ı dıdınt panıcked much but when we walked for 15 mınutes to fınd the way back and couldnt ı really panıcked.Marry dıdnt panıcked much because she was busy thınkıng about joe. I fınally understood that we cant fınd the way so ı decıded to stay here for a nıgth. I made a small pleace for me and marry to sleep. But marry was so afraıd to sleep there and wanted to go back ı trıed to tell her that we cant go back because ıt was dark outsıde but she dıdnt lısten to me and trıed to go back. Whıle ı was waıtıng for marry to come ı fell asleep and when ı woke up all my friends were waıtıng for me.Marry found our frıends and showed my place so they found me and the nught was over.

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