It was Saturday afternoon, and I was very excited because I was going camping with my friends. After getting up, I washed my face and went to the kitchen to have a nice breakfast. After having my breakfast, I prepared the supplies I would use at the camp. I bought a tent, a lighter, and a camping chair to take with me. After getting my keys from the house, I headed towards the campsite. When I arrived at the campground, I called my friends, and we set up our campsite.

After setting up, we assigned tasks to ourselves. The task assigned to me was to collect wood because it would be cold in the evening. I took an axe to gather wood and set out. After walking for a while, I realized that I was going too far, but I continued. I saw a piece of wood ahead and went towards it. After reaching the piece of wood, I took the axe in my hand and cut it in half. As it started to get dark, I hurried back to the camping area. However, as I moved forward, I realized that it was not the camping place, and I thought I was lost. First, I calmed down and looked around. It was dark, so I searched for a stone to make a fire. After finding a stone, although it was difficult, I managed to light the fire and threw the wood into it. I needed to find shelter because I had to protect myself from the cold. While I was near the fire, I noticed someone else’s fire nearby. I approached them and explained that I was lost. They kindly helped me and guided me back to my friends.

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