Butterfly Effect Of Fire

What would humanity’s development be like if humans discovered fire three hundred years earlier than it should have been?
would it change? Write your thoughts with reasons.
It is thought that humankind’s first encounter with fire began with a lightning strike thousands of years ago, and fires that occurred due to similar coincidental reasons were the only source of fire in the world for a very long time. If humans had discovered fire three hundred years ago, I think we would be three hundred years ahead of today’s technology. The reason for this is that by eating cooked meat, people developed their minds and became the most intelligent beings in the world. If humans had switched from raw meat to cooked meat three hundred years earlier, people’s brains would have started to develop three hundred years earlier. Technological developments would have occurred earlier, and perhaps wars would not have occurred in the future due to the advanced intelligence of people. In the 1700s, we might have had today’s technology or even more advanced technology. By 2024, technology would have developed so much that we would have colonized Mars and perhaps even started to slowly take the solar system under our control. As a result, if mankind had discovered fire three hundred years earlier, the human brain would have started to develop itself three hundred years earlier and mankind would have made tremendous technological breakthroughs.

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