
Pelin and I walked through the forest not too slowly; we enjoyed the quiet that embraced us. The sun, slipping below the trees, cast a lush golden hue over the tops of the trees and the carpet of leaves on the ground. Suddenly, a fleeting glitter of light popped in front of me, amazing me. I stopped suddenly, curious to find out what my body was telling me. “Pelin,” I muttered in almost a whispering voice, “just take a quite little look down to your feet, please. Is this a golden bracelet over there?” My friend gave me a confused look, but when she looked away, she noticed a brilliant object that was laying in the well-known plants in front of us. Carefully, she lifted the bracelet to her face, intrigued by its shape. The thought of craftwork came to my mind.

“This is amazing,” breathed Pelin, turning the bracelet over in her hands. “But how did it get here of all places?” We spoke about this issue and made an effort to picture the journey that the bracelet took to arrive at its current location in the middle of the forest. We eventually took the decision to take it to the neighborhood governments, who would presumably be able to handle its disposal and ensure that its owner received it back. After gently picking it back up and placing it in my friend’s backpack, we returned to the forest’s spell. Every rustle of leaves and whisper of the wind voiced hidden secrets, and we could not help ourselves but tried to solve the mystery of that place.


As the sun set, leaving the forest under the gentle glow of twilight, we found a quiet clearing to make it our resting place. Surrounded by the gentle recognize of nature, we considered on the unexpected discovery and feeling of connection it inspired. Pelin’s eyes sparkled with curiosity as she asked, “Do you believe that more treasures remain hidden?” Her face caught my attention, so I said, “Of course. The secrets of the forest are infinite, as it is an immortal reality. We can start breaking down them as soon as we realize this. Enhanced by a fresh sense of excitement, we pushed deeper into the mysteries of the forest, knowing that the road leading to every discovery would act as the connecting link between our collective web of amazement.

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