
I woke up feeling like I hadn’t slept in an long time. My legs all felt fuzzy and I couldn’t move my arms. Even though I wanted to fix my sleep schedule, it looked like that wasn’t something I could handle on my own. I decided to ask my mother when I had the chance.

As I made my way to the living room I could hear the television, it was one of my sisters tv shows that was left on last night. Since I had just woken up I could barely make out the words that I heard, it said: “Pelin, can you look quietly and slowly at the ground? Am I mistaken, or is there a golden bracelet right under my foot?”. I wondered what the plot was, maybe it was some drama show that was about a heist that went wrong or a story about a haunted bracelet, there is a lot of possibilities I said to my self as my mind tried to come up with something new. As I reached for the remote I was suddenly sucked in to the TV! I tried to hang on to our little desk that my mom had her morning coffee on but it was of no use. I screamed for my mother but I started losing conscious and my world went black! I woke up and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, I was in the TV show! The girl repeated once more: “Pelin, can you look quietly and slowly at the ground? Am I mistaken, or is there a golden bracelet right under my foot?” She then noticed me and started pointing at me, they didn’t speak any words but only stared at me. They were smiling, it wasn’t a happy smile but a creepy one. I was so horrified that I started trembling. The girl let out a screeching sound, it was if she was threatening me!

“Pelin” was looking at the golden bracelet, I suddenly jumped up and made a run for the golden bracelet! It was if my body was moving on it’s on! Pelin held on to my leg and let out a another screeching sound but even with her holding me I managed to touch the bracelet. As soon as I made contact with the bracelet I was thrown back out the TV! I saw a coffee on the little desk, it was my mothers. She was looking at me but then I realized the same creepy smile. She opened her mouth let out a heavy screech…

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