Books, Puzzles and Pawns

 One day, everything will end. Everything must end at one point. Yet, there’s always the trace of unspoken words stay forever. The unspoken words of mine are:

All of us are the same.

We all are books, puzzles and pawns. In that order. First, we’re books. We learn, learn the law of this world. Live or die. Second, we’re puzzles. We’re confused, nothing is in place. Some people sometimes give up,some lose a piece of themselves.. and then the puzzle comes together. Either forming a pure and beautiful one, or a rude and unforgiving one. Third, but definitely not least, is we all being pawns. When the puzzle comes together and the book has been read, we all are pawns. We can’t focus on anything else, but we need to go forward. Like a pawn in chess, we can’t take out the other pieces that are in the row we’re in. We can only kill the pieces that are crosswise us, only solving the problems of others that aren’t ours. And, another similarity to a pawn, only some of us make it all the way to the opposite of the chess board. The rest of us are placed beside the board, in this game of chess that we call ‘our world’.

The tension could be unbearable in chess. You either have a challenging opponent, or a clueless individual. Or the tension could secretly be awareness, where the pawbs know they can never become the king.

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