Books and Perspectives

Books are people’s best friends. They can make us feel like in another universe or help us to fight with stress and make us feel safe an comfortable. Also they can change our perspectives on life or at least some situations. Author can bring the reader closer to her/him thought or worse he/she can manipulate the reader. I will focus on positive parts of it.

Firstly if a book does not teach you anything, does not push you thinking or at least it does not feels you anything we can not called it as a qualty book. A qualty book has to give an ıdea to you. It must have its own toughts and perspectives. So, of course a book , an author, tries to make yo closer to its thoughts. There is nothing wrong.

Also books can make us a better person. Author can convey cultural and social values to the reader.Author can lead them to goodness and turn them away from bad things. It can teach the children what is good, what is bad, what is kind or what is rude in their childhood. This allows us to raise conscious generations who can distinguish between good and bad.

Books create new and different perspectives in our lives with the information they give us. Of course an ignorant person and a knowledgeable person will have diffrent perspectives, interpretations and opinions on the subject. People who knows something about that subject appear in society with their thoughts and set an example for everyone.

Reading biographies or autobiographies of successful and famous people can inspire and guide people on the path to success and help people ecover from failures and maje them a new start.

Reading, especially reading quality books, develops analyticak intelligence. This helps people think better an healthier also make better decisions. People communicate better and express themselves better.

I mean books give people new perspectives and toughts and this helps people every aspect of their lives. As ı said books are people’s best friend



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