Books and Perspectives

I highly agree that a good book can have a big impact on a reader’s perspective. Books are more than some words connected together, it’s a door to new places, realms, or to different viewpoints that reader’s never thought about. When people read well-crafted books, they often reflect on what they have read, in addition, their beliefs and perspectives are challenged. For instance, Raskolnikov from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s famous book “Crime and Punishment” might push people to reflect on their view of morality and life by witnessing his internal struggles, psychological problems, and extreme guilt. Moreover, some connect the reading with their real-life experiences.

Additionally, a handful of books can shape reader’s angles of view by immersing them in cultures. Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner” opens a portal to Afghanistan – a country often related with negative headlines in many media outlets – As reader’s follow the main character through the trip, witnessing Afghan cultures, cities, etc., they may reconsider their perception and biases towards Afghanistan.

In conclusion, whether they’re reading about the cultural and sociological complexities mentioned in “Crime and Punishment” or the cultural sights of the “Kite Runner”. Books help us broaden our perspectives and, thus breaking stereotypes, forcing reader’s to emphatize and reflect on themselfs. Eventually leading to a richer understanding of issues and different societies.

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