Blessing or Disaster?

The rapid increase in population in recent years, which directly affects the political and economic structure of a country, has drawn great attention. High fertility rates lead to population growth, which under certain circumstances can cause a condition known as “overpopulation”. Overpopulation refers to a scenario in which the population of a living species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. It is observed that birth rates progress with a higher increase compared to death rates. As a result, the population of many countries today is incredibly high. Additionaly, 15 November 2022 was designated by the United Nations as the approximate day when the world population reached eight billion people.

The world’s population today is 1,860 times more than when the world’s population was about 4 million 12,000 years ago. Around 1800, the world’s population was estimated to be only around 1 billion. This means that, on average, the population grew very slowly during this long period, from 10,000 to 1700 BC. However, in 1800 the world population was around 1 billion and has increased 8 times since then. The current human population has reached 8 billion. Countries with the highest population today: China (1.44 billion), India (1.39 billion), the United States (333 million), Indonesia (276 million), Brazil (214 million). In terms of population density and area, Bangladesh is the most densely populated country with 1,252 people per 1 square kilometer; this country is almost three times denser than its neighbor India. It is followed by Lebanon (595), South Korea (528), the Netherlands (508) and Rwanda (495) completing the top five. Greenland is the least dense, with less than 0.2 people per km2. It is followed by Mongolia, Namibia, Australia and Iceland.

In terms of benefits, a growing population can generate economic growth. As more people are born, there are more parents investing in the young society. The economy is fed as a result of expenditures related to food, clothing and education. The construction of more houses economically boosts the building and home improvement industries, and as a result, as the population increases, so do economic expenditures. Thanks to modern medical achievements, more people around the world are living longer than they did a century ago. Besides, while agricultural resources are a very real concern as the world population grows, increasing population; It is responsible for greater awareness of the need for additional resources as well as innovations to produce food at the rate of population growth. In addition, as more people mean more labor, the amount of production also increases.

On the other hand, uncontrolled population growth leads to food shortages without equal agricultural progress. If the population were to show signs of increase, agricultural development would need to be promoted. Hunger crises continue to increase as the demand for food is more than what is produced. Food distribution remains a concern in some parts of the world. While the world’s population is far from large enough to occupy all the habitable land in the world, uncontrolled population growth can lead to overcrowding and civil unrest. Areas with high population experience this today. An increase in population growth will require investment in the development of less desirable areas to meet demand for space. The elderly population has increased as mortality rates are lower. In the United States, the aging population, defined by people over 65, is expected to make up almost 20 percent of the population by 2030. Changes in population distribution such as this are making it difficult to meet the care needs for the elderly population.

The ever-increasing human population is a counter bomb ready to pose many threats to our future, to exploit our resources and pave the way for a terrible future for future generations. It is necessary to seek new solutions and put them into practice for the population growth, which is evident to have devastating consequences if not brought under control.


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