Better Education System

The education system is the most important thing for countries. It shows the economy and welfare of a country. If the education system is good in a country, that country would have better engineers, doctors, teachers, and better salleries. And because of the education system, people would be more intellectual, which would prevent crime rate.


Most of the countries have a standart education system, and they rely on memory which restricts students imagination and understanding of information. But countries like Finland, which has developed education system has more free and experimental education system that gives credits to art and sports too. And most of the bad education systems has longer hour in schools and more homework, which affects students in a bad way, and because of that, most of them don’t have time to do their hobbies. It decreases the number of people interested in sports and art which affects the countiries economy and presentation. So an educational system should have more free time and it should respect students hobbies. And in most of the 3rd world countries, people doesn’t respect to teachers and they assign nearly every teacher, even the teachers doing the job for only money. It is not bad if you are doing a job for money, but in teaching, you should be patient and be good with kids, which is a hard and important thing for teachers, especially in primary school because the students are still kids. So being a teacher should be hard and special. Some kids may want to be a sports player or an artist, which most of the schools doesn’t really care about, so maybe at high school students can pick a sport or art high school with decent other classes, which may help for them if they don’t want to do art or sport anymore. When I was in 3rd grade, my teacher yelled at someone because that kid’s lessons were bad, but he was a very good artist at that age. So that might unmotivate that child which is bad. And exams should be more experimental and has to ask less questions that require memorization. And kids should be able to select courses in which they want to take the exams. So that they don’t learn things they don’t need. Like a A mathematician does not need to know literature except general culture information about their country, which should be easy.

In conclusion, education systems shouldn’t rely on memorization and it should focus more on experimental education than memory information. And teachers should get more respect and they should respect to students more with giving less homework and more time for their hobbies. And students who select specific courses shouldn’t be responsible for the other lessons that they wouldn’t need in job and real life (expect for basics)

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