
Betrayal. That is all I have known my whole life. My father betrayed my mother, my mother betrayed me. My father swore an oath, to be together in sickness and in health, but all that he was together with were his misteresses, hiding in stealth. My mother promised me, “I’ll love you my whole life Nikolas, I promise to be there for you, always.” however, she was never there on the hardest days of my life, and when I went to her about my problems, her only response was to slam the door to my face. My childhood best friend, Iudas, promised that nothing could put an end to our friendship, the last time we talked was over a year ago. However, the last time he talked of  me was no more than a week or so. The most recent talk about me is that my mother is a bad person, which, might not be oh so false. My love, my sunshine, the godess I wake up to worship the ground which she walks upon, Anna, my dear Anna… Even she betrayed me. I tried to act as if I did not know, that all was fine. But after some time, she did not want my company anymore, for she found Iudas’s conversation much more agreeable.

What was the reason for all the empty promises given to I, what was the sin I commited to cause God to give me such a punishment?  I sat on the barstool, drinking the misery away, hoping to find answers, like hunting for fish in the sky. A handsome young man approached me on the bar, and frankly, that is the last thing I remember.

I woke up in my estate, head still aching from the far too many glasses I had the other night. Cold… That’s why I had woıken up. I had obviously forgotten to turn on the radiators last night, which might have been caused by the level of conciousness I had last night.

I had better put on my coat until the room had warmed up. I reached my hands into my pockets, hoping to isolate them from the numbing chill. I instead, found a piece of paper which said “Call me, now!”. On the crumpled paper, there was also a number whose last digit had been wiped out. Was this the gentleman from last night, and if it was, what did he have that had to do with me?

“Vladmir, make haste and meet me in my bedchambers at once!” I said. If anyone could solve this, it was him. My humble butler, the most intelligent man I have ever come across, Vladmir Nikolayevich Orlovich. He was not one to catch your eye when one enters a room, but he had a gift that could be compared to the riches of the Romanovs. I asked of Vladmir, to call all possible combinations of the number, as there was only one digit missing, and he did as I asked. Every time, I asked, “I have called you as you asked in the note, what is the urgency?”. I had the phone shut off to my face 5 times, got screamed at twivce, and was let know that I indeed had the wrong number, in an agreeable manner (which I had expected from all the people I had called) and had an interesting conversation once. I had given up all hope, buıt Vladmir urged me to keep talking. The last number we called, before I could even say a single word, cried “Why oh why did it take you so long to call? I have been waiting by my phone the whole night!”. But it was not the sound of a young man, no, it was instead of a soft mannered young lady.

I was almost betrayed once again, and I it was by a person none other than myself. I had been given the house number of an agreeable young lady, and all I did, was to almost give up. What if I hadn’t called? What if I had thrown the paper in the trash? What if I had forgotten to take it with me? I could now not even trust myself.

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