The Best Decision

In school, I had a group of friends. My besties, Charlotte and Isabella, were both kind and helpful. Then there was a boy named Alejandro. He didn’t talk to anyone, but everybody liked him because he was really mysterious. He had a notebook that he always carried with him, but no one knew anything about what was written inside—not a sentence, paragraph, or even a word. Isabella became interested in this notebook. She would ask him questions, but Alejandro never talked to her or even looked at her.

One day, Isabella, Charlotte, and I went to the shopping mall. I think Isabella was upset with Alejandro because she told us that he had written bad things about us in his notebook. We were shocked and angry. The next day, Isabella told the entire class about it, and Alejandro found out too. He came up to us and said he didn’t write anything like that. I responded, “How can you prove it? Can you show us your notes? No, of course, you can’t, so don’t tell me anything!” He looked sad.

At the next break, Alejandro came and showed us his notebook. Charlotte and I looked through the notes, and Isabella quickly ran away, claiming he had written those notes recently. But it was clear that they had been written five months ago. I apologized to Alejandro for the things I had said.

A week later, Alejandro asked Charlotte and me, “See? Where is Isabella now?” We looked around and saw that Isabella was with Helen, gossiping about us. Alejandro said, “You can either stay friends with each other and forget Isabella, or stay with her and see what happens.” Isabella was certain we would go back to being friends with her, but Charlotte said, “Yes, Alejandro, I’ll stay friends with Lina and forget about Isabella. You sure?” “Of course!” I agreed. “And you know what, Isabella? You really deserve this!” That was my last sentence to her, and we didn’t talk to her for three years. She left the school last year. Looking back, that was the best decision I ever made!

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