Benefits of the Past and Undecided Future

Every single person has a preference and a thought about how they feel about the world changing and evolving. Not everyone’s opinion is positive, but that is expected from such a large community, especially the human race. Grown-ups usually have a more specific idea based on facts, but children base have their ideas off of their imagination.

In my opinion, there are a lot of positive ways in which the world is evolving as well as negative ones. I mean, if we take a look at the inventions from the past until now, we can see that they have made our lives easier to a great extent. The telephone, laptop, lightbulb, and inventions that are far more important, for example, money and paper. We have to thank the past for that. I would intend for people in the future to be as thankful for the inventions that we could create as we are for the ones in the past. The positive ones at least. For example, the evolution of artificial intelligence. Something that is complicated, dangerous, and useful. Artificial intelligence makes our lives a great deal easier, but there is a chance of that robots might take over in the future, which is unfortunately something that no one can predict. On the other hand, pollution, global warming, and the breaking of the ozone layer are predictably massive dangers to the world’s future.

I believe that if humanity started to look for solutions for these problems instead of creating new ones, we could evolve into something great. The world that we all want and crave? That’s my belief that it might never see the light of day.

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