Being Powerful… Being a Lady…

“Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”. Pretty meaningful right? But what does it actually mean? Does it point out being powerful, feminism, or does it point out a whole different issue? Let’s take a look.

The quote starts by pointing out being a lady. In this case being a lady is not just about being a female, but about having dignity, grace, class and poise. If you have all these characteristics, anyone can tell that you have those, as they are very self-evident. But if you have to tell you have them, then they probably aren’t very evident, right? Actually, the quote is exactly about that.

If you are powerful, it is evident.  As a person, country or etc. it shows in many ways. The ones who are in an urge to remind that they are powerful, they probably aren’t really all that powerful. Those who are actually powerful don’t need to remind anyone.

In fact, most of us aren’t as powerful as lady-like or gentlemanly as we will to be. At some point of our lives, we are not as successful as we want to be. Sometimes we are short on our goals. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t become the person we want to be. With some hard work and passion, it is possible.

We have to remember that becoming someone who we admire requires us to be aware of who we want to be, and we have to put a lot of effort in it.

Also realize that time will change, so do our goals. Be flexible and prepared to change your life, don’t be afraid of changes.

So if you want to prove a point like you are powerful, don’t do it with your words. Show people who you are with your actions. Introducing yourself as someone who you are not will only make the expectations higher, instead of explaining who you are, show them who are you.

In order to make this more clear, we can use some more quotes such as: Don’t tell people you’re kind, show them by your kindness; or we can say that don’t tell people you’re friend, show them by being a friend…

In conclusion, we can say that the quote “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.” is pointing out that we should show people who we are without actually telling them who are we. Especially, power is self-evident, and it doesn’t require any further explanation to show itself. If we are in an urge to tell that we are powerful, then we aren’t.

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