Have you ever wanted to be extremely rich and famous? I think everyone has dreamed at least once in his/her life. If so, have you ever thought about the good and bad sides of it? Let’s glance at the pros and cons of being extremely rich and famous.
As a matter of fact, being famous does not necessarily mean you become rich or vice versa. On the other side, both matters are still possible. That may be a matter of choice especially when you become rich if you opt for being famous at the same time. However, when you become famous in a field, for instance, in music, dancing, or acting, becoming rich may not always be of your choosing. But, all in all, they both have positive and negative side effects and consequences which would affect not only individually yourself but also your family and even your friends.
So my inferences regarding positive and negative sides are for both being rich and famous simultaneously.
First of all, let me talk about the positive sides of it. People around you and those who you are addressing may give more attention to what you say, so you can raise awareness among people about many problems in social life, education, environment, health issues, etc. So, you make an impact on people and decision-takers, in politics, to shape their attitudes and behaviour in a way for a beneficial for everyone.
Most teenagers are more prone to be affected by celebrities, so you can be a good example for youngsters. If you like being flattered, you will find a lot of people doing that. But I must confess that I don’t like such an artificial approach. Once you become an idol in the eyes of people, you should use this opportunity not solely for your own interest but for the benefit of your society, community and family by setting an example through your personality, lifestyle and work.
Also, there are negative sides to being extremely rich and famous. For example, you might not have a private life. Everything you do gets media coverage. Even the smallest mistake you make will come back in the media. You can see yourself in the media when you do the things normal people do. You may be judged by anyone which can affect your psychology negatively. Also, there may be some people who only befriend you just for your wealth. These fake friends won’t be yours when you really need them if one day you lose your fame.
So, we can understand that wealth and fame may not necessarily make you happy all the time. But when you use your wealth and fame for the good of people, your society and your community, you may highly feel more satisfied with what you do and who you are.